
Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Empat Bulan!!!

Sorry, i'm late to share it...
Ooh God, that day was so awesome and I feel so blessed O:)
Thank God :) Me and Samudra already 4th month in a relationship...
Many of my friends are congratulating of my 4th monthversary with Samudra and gave a good prayers {} And they said that me and Samudra are cute couple hahahaha so many thanks bests :*
And that day, Sam gave me a caricature of me :D I'm so glad and unexpected that if he would gave me that..
And i was gave him a super big box a chocolates.. Hehehe...

A caricature of me made by Samudra {}

Aaaaah, this is a box of chocolates from me that i gave to him. Hehehe

And this, Sam told me to came to his class after school for taken some photos with me.. Hahahah LOL
 And because all of that, i feel so very blessed :) Thank God, You have launched all of that day :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

For FUN!

From Samudra

Waktu aku nulis post ini, aku lagi sama seseorang yang selalu aku ceritain di post-post sebelumnyaa.. Hahahha
He's Samudra... Jadi, dia mau numpang ngepost cerita gituuhh.. Hahaha...
Okeh ini diaa...
hai aku Samudra, sebenernya aku nggak mau numpang ngepost sih, cuman dipaksain sama pacar -_-" . okey deh dah pada kenal aku dari post-postnya momo sebelumnya kan? jadi aku gaperlu panjang lebar buat kenalin aku hehe.. btw besok itu tanggal 23 Februari 2012, dan singkat aja itu tanggal aku jadian sama pacar aku tercinta "Arshinta Agnahorti" ni yang ada disampingku haha.. dan  ditanggal itu aku sama dia udah resmi jadian selama 4 bulan, *sebenernya baru sebentar sih* sedikit aja aku mau cerita walaupun baru sebentar aku sama momo itu dah ngelewatin banyak banget dari hal menarik sampe yang nggak menarik :( . Tapi mau menarik nggak menarik kalo pas lagi sama dia itu tetep aja ngerasa seneng, nggak tau kenapa rasanya kaya gitu, termasuk sekarang aku seneng banget lagi sama dia :). dan aku pengen semua itu aku alamin lagi sampe beribu-ribu tahun lagi sama dia, aku ga bisa jauh dari dia :'). momo itu moodbooster.ku bisa tiba-tiba buat aku seneng, tapi juga bisa tiba-tiba buat aku jatuh, buat aku seneng terus dongg!! oke, terakhir pesen aku buat momo buat nanti dan seterusnya, "4 bulan itu belum ada apa-apanya dibanding selamanya, aku sayang kamu, cinta kamu, bukan cuma buat berbulan-bulan atau bertahun-tahun, tapi selamanya.. aku percaya sama kamu dan aku juga yakin sama kamu, pesenku semoga kamu juga gitu ya :) I Love You Mo!.."  mungkin itu dulu aja cerita dari aku, jangan kangen sama aku ya :')
Hahahaha sialan tuh si Sam -___- sebenernya aku ga maksaak.. Cuma pingin dia buat nulis sesuatu gicuuuuu di blog ku.. hahaha
Emm, I Love You Too Sam :**********
Aku bakal selalu inget sama semua pesen-pesennya Sam :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

After had a lunch at Moen-Moen, me and Sam take some picture on the seat... How cute we are :)

Captured by : Sinta's phone.. muehehhee


hello bloggers, I wanna tell you many things that I passed last 2 weeks. So, that week is very random, there are happiness, but the most is sadness.
I don’t want to tell what is my problem, but I wanna tell you the moral value of that. ummm, sometimes God give us test and that test will help you to find your own way and world. He does, and when you get it, you will know, who is your true friends and who are your fri(enemies). The first time you know it you will shocked, sad, and hurt. Its little awkward to know that  person who always with you become your haters and stay away from you. Or maybe, she/he come closer to your other friends and make them hate you….
You may hate them too after that, but hate may not reply with hate too, isn’t it? Just get calm down, let them talk about you, and let karma followa them
and the last, friendship isn’t presented by how long you was together with her/him, it shows by how your friends listen to you in sad, and happy situation.
I love you, guys. Although you talked ‘bout me in my back :)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Dear god...
I need You to hug me tight
I need You to make it easy
I need You to make all my dream come true with someone who always besides me
I need You to blessing me and my only one together forever

Friday, February 17, 2012


Is that wrong for us to jealous with some people who are close to our boyfriend or our girlfriend?? Maybe some of you says yes.. That our boyfriend or girlfriend have a close friend.. Sometimes, they more care, they more having time with our boyfriend or our girlfriend... Emm, and now I jealous with they are who are close to my boyfriend, especially his female friends :(
Oooooohhh... I'm so exaggerate :(
As if I didn't believe him :( but I trust him!! But why do I always worried if he was playing with his friends... Aaaaaaahhhhhh is always negative thinking... I hate this feeling! :(
Oh Allah, i just wanted to make him smile... Because his smile was make me happy :)
You good, you care, you're everything for me...
And I hope he knows what I mean.... That's all because I love him... I love you so much boy :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fringe Tank Top Made by Me

Yeaaayy!!! Berhubung tadi siang aku nggak ada kerjaan, nah aku iseng buka YouTube, dan cari tutorial How to make Fringe tanktop gitu... Akhirnya nemuin dan aku praktekin deh :3 hahhahaa...
3 kaos lama yang jarang aku pakek dan akhirnya aku make over jadi kayak gitu... How cool B)

Saturday, February 11, 2012


  1. Hearing Good music
  2. Being happy
  3. With you <3
  4. Laughing Out Loud with people that i love
  5. Party all night long
  6. Blogging, tweeting till i fall asleep :3
  7. Hangout with family, my boyfriend, and friends
  8. Have many friends, especially Boy.. Why?? Because boy are more able to keep a secret and they are so funny guy :D
  9. Be honesty O:)
  10. Katy Perry, Pitbull, Maroon5, Bruno Mars songs :3
  11. Headset, earphone, good music, good movie
  12. OWL, Cat, Baby... You're so cute :***
  13. Black and red
  14. Respect to me
  15. Branded stuff, but i don't have much money for buy  -___- wkwkwk
  16. Can make my parents proud of all my achievements
  17. All my dreams come true
  18. Chocolate, Oreo, Ultra milk, Sari roti :3
  19. Real friends and true love
  20. Hot pants and tanktop
  21. Fashion in
  22. Having a fragrant and smooth hair
  23. Kissed on my cheeks and forehead.. Just for my bofriend :3
  24. Rain in the morning
  25. Fresh air
  26. Being fabulous, classy, and popular
  27. Fresh parfume
  28. Spongebon Squarepants
  29. Salon :3
  30. Have a good condition
  31. Got an idea
  32. LED from you <3
  33. Make love :$
  34. Dancing, singing, and shuffling
  35. Hyperactive person
  36. Aggresive :3
  37. Watching 18+ movie :$
  38. Have much money and there are no limit for money
  39. Have much plan to go
  40. More holidays
  41. Empty lessons :3
  42. Vario motorcycle :$
  43. Being awesome and wonderful life
  44. Have some good news.. ex: empty lessons, no have tasks, no test, go home earlier
  45. Fun hangout with my boy
  46. Have a Saturday night all night long with my boy :*
  47. Have a picnic with my boy and my friends that i love :p
  48. Got good job and mark
  49. Loyalty, trust, and happiness :)
  50. Colorful life.. So don't get bored :)


  1. Waiting for nothing
  2. Error connection when i post something on twitter
  3. SOS/GSM/ No network connection
  4. Low Battery
  5. Liars
  6. Having a bad hair day
  7. Homeworks
  8. Fake friends
  9. "Oh" "Up to you" "So?" "I don't know"
  10. Copycat
  11. Childish, selfish << Like me -___-
  12. People who judge me and don't really even know me
  13. Being bored/badmood
  14. No one care about me
  15. Getting sick
  16. When i lost something and i can't find it
  17. Unrespect to me
  18. When someone wake up me early at Sunday or holiday
  19. People who are arrogant
  20. Silent
  21. Confused choose the place for hangout
  22. Traitor
  23. My lilsist who always spoiled
  24. Be sad :(
  25. When me and myboyF hangout, and then he make me jealous or had a problem after me and myboyF hangout!!!
  26. The third person!!!
  27. Nightmare
  28. Being my boyfriend bad mood
  29. Being my boyfriend bored with me :(
  30. Got a problem with my boyfriend :( it's hurts :((((((((
  31. Have a task
  32. Bad condition
  33. Labile
  34. ALAY -____-
  35. My lilsist when crying and whine
  36. The rule
  37. Get mad
  38. Difference
  39. Jealous with nothing
  40. PMS -___-
  41. Slow motion -__________-
  42. Someone who close to my boyfriend
  43. Cockroaches,  geckos, lizards, mosquitoes, caterpilars, centipedes.. You are not cool ya!!!
  44. Always told "who cares??" Heeyy!! You're not alone!!
  45. Unconsiderate
  46. Ignored :(
  47. Getting weight gain :(
  48.  Being a boring lessons at class
  49. The bad past
  50. Hearing bad music

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Ngaaaaaaa.... When I was 10 SHS =))
Haaakk haaakkk haaakk... i do really miss them :') ASEM....

Kyaaaaaaaaa.... Sumpah ini foto jaman kapaaann... Hahhaha LOL

Fake Smile for You!!!

What is the called of BEST FRIEND??? Haaaa??? Two faced! Hahahah go hell!!
I think you're not good as friend.. I regret having to remove my posting about "Friend or Foe?" yes, that i mean in there is you bitch!! Middle finger for you!!! :)
I don't never think that you are so malicious to me... I hate you!! Really hate you!!! Middle finger!!
And  I don't like if everyday i meet you -___- and always put of fake smile for you :) HAHA!!!
I hope you realize quickly and as soon as possible... Sorry bitch, if I don't like you anymore...
Pairs fake smile for you everyday =)) begone!!! I hate that you being with me everyday!!! Huh...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Andri, Me, Clara, and Indra :)
We are crazy!!! at Pasar Gede Solo at night... Hahahahhaha thanks bests :)